The Day on the Ride involves about 600 or so riders, many of whom are doing the SF to LA ride for the first time. This ride is set up with staffed rest stops every 15 or so miles, lunch is provided, and then a meal at the end of the ride. It is a great way to get a sense of what it is like to ride on roads with a whole lot of other riders. The weather was threatening rain but fortunately that did not happen until a few hours after the ride ended.
I had a terrible cold but was not coughing and so decided that in spite of feeling horrible, I could do the ride. And I actually did very well. At one of the rest stops out near Nacasio, I was befriended by either a Passover Pig or an Easter Ham. My riding buddy was my nephew Bill who was my tent mate last year and will be again for the ride this year. Below is a map of the route from Saturday. Click on the image to enlarge it.
My aphorism, "Feed a fever and ride a cold," proved not to be quite so helpful. Easter Day I was so sick and coughing so much, I had to stay home from church and also skip Easter brunch. I am writing this on Tuesday, the 26th, and feeling somewhat better but still coughing quite a bit. However my plan now is to do a 45 mile ride on Thursday and a 75 mile ride on Saturday.