Sunday, May 29, 2011

OTR...My Default Ride

This was another bad week for weather in Berkeley.  The weather guy on TV says we are in a "March weather pattern" which means the jet stream that ought to be blowing storms to Portland, is sending them to the central coast of California.  Bummer!  In one week, the AIDS LifeCycle Ride begins.  I hope the jet stream has decided to head north by then or we could have a wet and difficult week weather wise.

Last week I packaged up my Garmin bike GPS and sent it back to the factory for repair or replacement.  Fortunately, Kristie, the manager at Mike's Bikes in Berkeley had a spare Garmin that she was willing to loan me.  Bike computers are essential so the rider can know speed, mileage, time riding, and with the Garmin there are several other things one can know, most important to me is pulse rate.  The Garmin also allows maps the ride route so I can share that route via this blog.

I've taken three rides since my last blog but since I was between Garmins, no route maps to share and I didn't bother to take any pictures.  Pictures require stopping and stopping slows one down.  But I thought you might enjoy a few photos from my default ride that takes me from my house up to the top of Grizzly Peak.  It is about a five mile ride up hill and then a quick 5 miles downhill and home.  Once on OTR there is little traffic and some spectacular views of San Francisco and the the bay.  It was a bit hazy on Thursday but you get the idea.  And as you can see from the map, the Garmin is working just fine!  
Memorial to those killed in the Oakland Hills fire of 1991

I still have not figured out how to put pictures exactly where I want them so pardon all the white space, please!

This reminds me of Moses'burning bush

A large spot of color by the roadside
One of many spectacular bay views from OTR

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